Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index

Partners in Surrey are measuring the long-term impact of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy on reducing health inequalities in Surrey using the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index. The purpose of the index is to measure progress against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s priorities and outcomes, particularly for our Priority Populations (including the Key Neighbourhoods), where the data is available.

The index combines appropriate physical, mental and wider determinants of health indicators into baskets at different geographic levels. These allow us to see improvements that come from working together in partnership. The index is calculated on an annual basis but not all data is from the same year; the most recent data available is used for each indicator.

Alongside the index are overarching indicators around life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, and indicators currently available for some of the Priority Populations only at a Surrey-wide level currently.

The tool is presented in an interactive dashboard below and offers user several ways to drill down into the data, including the ability to choose between multiple levels of geography. The dashboard is also available at Health & Wellbeing Strategy Index | Tableau Public

A video tutorial explaining how to navigate around the dashboard is also available at the bottom of this page.

Demonstration of the Health & Wellbeing Index