Vehicles are allocated to a local authority according to the postcode of the registered keeper. This is the keeper's address for privately owned vehicles or the company's registered address for company

Body types
DVLA record a vehicle body type for each registered vehicle. These body types relate to the physical construction of the vehicle but not the way in which it is currently being used. The key body type groups used are:
• Cars 4-wheel vehicles including people carriers and all passenger carrying vehicles that can carry no more than eight passengers (excluding the driver). Includes private hire taxis (PHV – Private Hire Vehicles) that are car based. Hackney Carriages are in the ‘Other vehicles’ group.
• Motorcycles 2-wheel vehicles powered by an engine. Includes Scooters and Mopeds.
• Light goods vehicles / light vans 4-wheel vehicles constructed for transporting goods. Must have a gross weight of 3.5 tonnes or less. This includes road tractors and curtain sided vehicles (with a gross weight of 3.5 tonnes or less).
• Heavy goods vehicles Larger vehicles constructed for transporting goods. Must have a gross weight more than 3.5 tonnes. This includes road tractors and curtain sided vehicles (with a gross weight of over 3.5 tonnes).
• Buses and coaches Includes minibuses (which can carry no more than sixteen passengers) and all other passenger carrying vehicles with nine seats or more (excluding the driver’s seat).
• Other vehicles All vehicles not mentioned above. Includes rear diggers, lift trucks, rollers, ambulances, Hackney Carriages, three wheelers and agricultural vehicles. Up to 2007 road tractors and curtain sided vehicles were included. They are now in the light and heavy goods categories (see above).

Frequency: Calendar Year

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  