The Annual Population Survey (APS) is a combined survey of households in Great Britain. Its purpose is to provide information on key social and socioeconomic variables between the 10-yearly censuses, with particular emphasis on providing information relating to sub-regional (local authority) areas. Due to sample size limitations, APS data is not available below local authority level i.e. data is not available for wards and super output areas. For this dataset even local authority data is too unreliable for publication so only Surrey data and regional and national comparators are included. APS data is published on a quarterly basis, but with each publication covering a year's data. 

Data on disability level and economic activity is only published for the population aged 16-64


Economically active: People who are either in employment or unemployed.

Economic activity rate: People, who are economically active, expressed as a percentage of all people.

In employment: People who did some paid work in the reference week (whether as an employee or self employed); those who had a job that they were temporarily away from (e.g. on holiday); those on government-supported training and employment programmes; and those doing unpaid family work.

Employment rate: The number of people in employment expressed as a percentage of all people aged 16-64.

Unemployed: Refers to people without a job who were available to start work in the two weeks following their interview and who had either looked for work in the four weeks prior to interview or were waiting to start a job they had already obtained.

Unemployment rate: Unemployed as a percentage of the economically active population.

Economically inactive: People who are neither in employment nor unemployed. This group includes, for example, all those who were looking after a home or retired.

EA Core disabled includes those who have a long-term disability which substantially limits their day-to-day activities.

Work-limiting disabled includes those who have a long-term disability which affects the kind or amount of work they might do.

Conf: 95% confidence interval of percent figure (+/-)

Frequency: Quarterly Rolling Year

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Last Update
5 years ago  