About Surrey-i

What is Surrey-i?

Surrey-i is a one-stop source of data, information, specialist reports, summary analysis and headline statistics, covering Surrey’s demographics (details about our population), our economy and public services.

Surrey-i is a dedicated website to sharing data about Surrey and relevant other documents so, for other enquiries about Surrey County Council, please use the contact details found at https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/contact-us.

Why has Surrey-i been created?

Data used by public service organisations can effectively inform members of the public and councillors about local level numbers, rates and geographical locations for outcomes, events, demand and delivery in relation to the Services provided by the Local Authorities and Organisations within the County. This empowers communities to hold their local authorities and public organisations to account for what is happening and encourages active citizenship through enabling informed involvement at a local level.

In addition, Surrey-i operates as a data exchange hub, enabling policy and research workers throughout the county to contribute and extract information.

Why does Surrey-i publish local data to the public at large?

Surrey public services are working together to share data to improve the provision of services in a local area to meet local community needs. The data produced by local public service organisations is effectively paid for by tax payers or philanthropists and much of it is not personal, or sensitive, and is subject to freedom of information requests. Rather than wait for individual freedom of information requests, Surrey-i takes a pro-active approach and publishes as much public data as possible for everyone to use and re-use. Surrey-i:

  • Provides more information to communities about their local area;
  • Enables better engagement between local authorities, partners and public;
  • Encourages and enables citizens to actively contribute and/or be involved in local decision making.

What about Data Protection?

The Local Authorities and their Partner Agencies are satisfied that Surrey-i has considered the data protection issues in relation to mapping and that there are sufficient safeguards in terms of protecting the identity of victims of crime and fire. Surrey-i will continue to seek advice from Local Authority and Partner Agency Data Protection Officers as the site continues to be developed.

Surrey-i is bound by the Data Protection Act and Human Rights Act. Surrey-i is not allowed to publish data that may inadvertently identify a living individual with that data; to do so would be in direct contravention of these Acts.