Type of informationSCC Transparency + FOI
Surrey County Council
Updated 9 days ago

CSV file detailing all Contracts awarded over the value of £5000 by Surrey County Council. Specific data schema details can be found on the Local Government Association's (LGA) website here. This data is published as part of Surrey's obligations for transparency, as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

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Surrey County Council
Updated 12 days ago

Private investment data for Surrey Pension Fund

Surrey County Council
Updated a month ago

A log of gifts and hospitality registered by Surrey County Council officers. For any queries, please contact: Surrey County Council Governance and Contracts Team through [email protected]

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Surrey County Council
Updated 3 months ago

CSV file detailing all individual expenditure items over the value of £250, made by Surrey County Council. Excluding any spend via council purchase / procurement cards (which can be found here). This data is published as part of Surrey's obligations for transparency, as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. Review date: No later than end of the month after the quarter end Data...

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Surrey County Council
Updated 3 months ago

CSV files detailing all individual transactions made by Surrey County Council using purchase cards (corporate credit card). Purchase cards are used mainly by frontline services to support the work we do for residents. This data is published as part of Surrey's obligations for transparency, as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. Review date: No later than end of the month after the...

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Surrey County Council
Updated 7 months ago

Please see link to FOIs received and performance, https://public.tableau.com/views/FreedomofInformationRequestsinSurrey/FreedomofInformationRequestsinSurrey?:language=en-GB&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

Surrey County Council
Added 10 months ago

The below is published annually, detailing Surrey County Councils contracted suppliers which have been paid outside our 30 day payment term.

Surrey County Council
Updated a year ago

Internal Audit Open Data and the Local Government Transparency Code We are committed to being open and transparent about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services provided.  The Local Government Transparency Code has been issued to meet the Government’s desire to increase democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision making process and...

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Surrey County Council
Updated a year ago

CSV file detailing all salaries for senior staff earning £50,000 or more during the year shown. Shown in £5,000 brackets. Where the post holder is part-time the pro-rata salary bracket is used. Details of bonus payments and any 'benefits in kind' are included. For further information please see Surrey County Council's website. This data is published as part of Surrey's obligations for...

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Surrey County Council
Updated a year ago

CSV files detailing all senior staff in the top three levels of the organisation. Including Service Area, Job Title, Contract Type, Grade and Salary Band. For further information please see Surrey County Council's  website . Specific data schema details can be found on the LGA's website  http://schemas.opendata.esd.org.uk/OrganisationStructure . This data is published as part of Surrey's obligations for transparency,...

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