Office for National Statistics
Updated 6 hours ago

Derived from tables containing the number of live births and deaths by sex for each LSOA in England, published by ONS as ad hoc data and analysis. Figure 1 shows the trends in death rates from 2009 to 2021. The pre-pandemic (2015 to 2019) trend, shows a downward trend averaging around 10,000 deaths a year 1. Figures are for deaths...

Office for National Statistics
Updated a day ago

This page includes the data around births and conceptions, including live births, home births, marital status at birth, weight at birth, teenage conceptions, and abortion. Latest data included: Live births: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs, Surrey Wards, Surrey LSOAs: 2017-2020 Live births by homebirth & marital status: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2017-2020 Birthweight: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2017-2022 Teenage pregnancy,...

Loneliness and Social Isolation Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Publication date This chapter was published in September 2024 and is due to be reviewed by September 2026. Contents Executive summary Recommendations Introduction Research methodology What do we know about loneliness and social isolation? Local insights on priority populations: Older people and people in care homes People with long term health conditions, disabilities, or sensory impairments Carers and young carers People with serious mental illness Adults...

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index Last updated September 2024 Partners in Surrey are measuring the long-term impact of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy on reducing health inequalities in Surrey using the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index. The purpose of the index is to measure progress against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s priorities and outcomes, particularly for our Priority Populations (including the Key...

DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 5 days ago

This page includes a dashboard summary of pensioners in poverty (on Pension Credit) across Surrey geographies and the downloadable data. The dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey-level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and Borough, Ward, or LSOA) for a more focused summary. Pension Credit...

Surrey-i is a dedicated website to sharing data and statistical information about Surrey. Please use the contact details found at: for other types of enquiries about Surrey County Council and its services. Our email address for data queries is [email protected]

DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 6 days ago

This page includes a dashboard of Unemployment Claimant Count in Surrey. The below Tableau dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. The Claimant Count measures the number of people claiming benefit principally for the reason of being unemployed. Universal Credit was phased in across the country from May 2013 and introduced in Surrey in February 2016. This dataset includes all Universal Credit claimants who...

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Updated 7 days ago

This page includes a dashboard of Greenhouse gas emission estimates in Surrey. The greenhouse gases included in this release are: Carbon Dioxide (CO₂): Is colourless, odourless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 per cent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. Methane (CH₄): A colourless, odourless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gas. It...

The Domestic Abuse Visualisation Tool (DAViT) Background Domestic Abuse (DA) is a public health concern and safety issue that can have severe consequences on individuals, as well as wide societal costs spanning across multiple sectors (e.g. Police, health, and other services, such as Social Care and others). A coordinated response across statutory agencies is vital to ensure DA survivors’ needs are fully...

Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco Control Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Publication date This chapter was published in July 2024 and is due to be reviewed by July 2026. Contents Executive summary Introduction National and local strategic context Adult smoking prevalence in Surrey Health outcomes related to smoking Smoking in children and younger people Other tobacco products Vaping Economic impact of smoking The role of Trading Standards and tobacco control Environmental impact Stop Smoking Support (SSS) in...