2011 Census – Hours worked by Surrey residents


  • In 2011, 72.7% of Surrey’s residents in employment worked full-time
  • The borough with the highest proportion of people employed full-time was Spelthorne
  • The borough with the highest proportion of people employed part-time was Waverley
  • 56.6% of Surrey’s female residents in employment worked full-time
  • 86.8% of Surrey’s male residents in employment worked full-time

Hours worked – all people – 2011 Census

The Census asked people how many hours a week (including paid and unpaid overtime) they usually worked in their main job. Full-time is defined as 31 hours or more and part-time 30 hours or less.

In 2011, the highest proportion of Surrey’s residents in employment worked full-time (72.7%), while the proportion for England as a whole was 70.9%.

The borough with the highest percentage of people employed full-time was Spelthorne (75.1%) and the borough with the lowest was Waverley (70.2%).
56% of the Surrey’s residents worked 31 to 48 hours and 16.7% worked 49 or more hours.

The borough with the highest proportion of people working 49 or more hours was Elmbridge (20.9%).
10.4% of the Surrey’s residents in employment worked 15 hours or less.

The borough with the highest proportion of residents working 15 hours or less was Waverley (11.9%).
Table 1: Hours worked – all people

  % Part-time: Total % Part-time:
15 hours or less worked
% Part-time:
16 to 30 hours worked
% Full-time: Total % Full-time:
31 to 48 hours worked
% Full-time:
49 or more hours worked
Surrey 27.3 10.4 16.9 72.7 56.0 16.7
Elmbridge 26.2 10.0 16.2 73.8 52.9 20.9
Epsom and Ewell 28.1 10.5 17.6 72.0 57.1 14.9
Guildford 28.2 11.7 16.5 71.8 55.2 16.6
Mole Valley 29.4 11.3 18.1 70.6 53.6 17.0
Reigate and Banstead 26.4 9.5 16.9 73.6 58.0 15.6
Runnymede 27.5 11.0 16.5 72.5 56.5 16.0
Spelthorne 24.9 8.5 16.4 75.1 61.6 13.5
Surrey Heath 26.8 10.0 16.8 73.2 56.3 16.9
Tandridge 27.9 10.4 17.5 72.1 55.1 17.0
Waverley 29.9 11.9 18.0 70.2 52.2 18.0
Woking 25.5 9.5 16.0 74.4 58.6 15.8
South East 28.6 10.3 18.3 71.4 56.8 14.6
England 29.0 9.6 19.4 70.9 57.6 13.3

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics
Figure 1: Hours worked – all people

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics

Hours worked – females

In 2011, 56.6% of Surrey’s female residents in employment worked full-time and 43.4% worked part-time.

The borough with the highest proportion of female working full-time was Spelthorne (60.6%) and with the highest proportion part-time was Waverley (48.3%).
Table 2: Hours worked – females

  % Part-time: Total % Part-time:
15 hours or less worked
% Part-time:
16 to 30 hours worked
% Full-time:Total % Full-time:
31 to 48 hours worked
% Full-time:
49 or more hours worked
Surrey 43.4 15.9 27.5 56.6 48.3 8.3
Elmbridge 42.0 15.6 26.5 58.0 47.3 10.6
Epsom and Ewell 43.8 15.7 28.1 56.2 49.0 7.2
Guildford 44.8 17.8 27.0 55.2 47.0 8.2
Mole Valley 47.1 17.6 29.5 52.9 44.6 8.3
Reigate and Banstead 41.7 14.5 27.2 58.3 50.5 7.8
Runnymede 42.5 16.4 26.2 57.5 49.3 8.1
Spelthorne 39.4 12.6 26.8 60.6 53.5 7.1
Surrey Heath 43.1 15.4 27.7 56.9 48.9 8.0
Tandridge 44.1 15.8 28.3 55.9 47.5 8.3
Waverley 48.3 18.6 29.7 51.7 43.0 8.7
Woking 40.6 14.6 26.0 59.4 51.5 7.9
South East 44.8 15.3 29.5 55.2 48.1 7.2
England 44.1 13.9 30.2 55.9 49.2 6.6

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics
Figure 2: Hours worked – females

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics

Hours worked – males

In 2011, 86.8% of Surrey’s male residents in employment worked full-time.

The borough with the highest proportion of male working full-time was Spelthorne (87.9%) and with the highest proportion part-time was Runnymede (14.2%).
Table 3: Hours worked – males

  % Part-time: Total % Part-time:
15 hours or less worked
% Part-time:
16 to 30 hours worked
% Full-time:Total % Full-time:
31 to 48 hours worked
49 or more hours worked
Surrey 13.2 5.6 7.6 86.8 62.7 24.0
Elmbridge 12.5 5.2 7.3 87.5 57.8 29.8
Epsom and Ewell 13.8 5.7 8.0 86.2 64.4 21.8
Guildford 13.9 6.5 7.3 86.1 62.4 23.8
Mole Valley 13.9 5.8 8.1 86.1 61.5 24.6
Reigate and Banstead 12.8 5.1 7.7 87.2 64.6 22.6
Runnymede 14.2 6.3 7.9 85.8 62.9 22.9
Spelthorne 12.1 4.9 7.2 87.9 68.7 19.2
Surrey Heath 12.8 5.4 7.4 87.2 62.6 24.6
Tandridge 13.2 5.6 7.7 86.8 61.9 24.8
Waverley 13.8 6.0 7.8 86.2 60.1 26.1
Woking 13.0 5.3 7.7 87.0 64.6 22.4
South East 14.3 5.8 8.5 85.7 64.5 21.2
England 15.6 5.8 9.8 84.4 65.1 19.3

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics
Figure 3: Hours worked – males

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics

Over 40% of the female residents in employment worked part-time, while the percentage of male was just over 10%.

The proportion of female residents working 15 hours or less was almost 3 times higher than the proportion of males. On the contrary the proportion of females working 49 or more hours was 3 times lower.
Figure 4: Hours worked – females and males – Census 2011

Source: Census – Office for National Statistics