This page includes a dashboard of Housing statistics in Surrey.

The below Tableau dashboard is also available on Tableau Public.


  • According to Census 2021 figures, around 70% of households in Surrey are owned and 17% privately rented.
  • Approximately 32% of all accommodations in Surrey are detached houses, followed by semi-detached at 29%, and flats at 19%.
  • The housing affordability in Surrey currently stands at 13.39 times the median salary to afford a median-priced home.
  • The average median property price in Surrey was £510,000 in March 2023. This varies considerably across districts with median prices ranging between £449,000 and £665,000.
  • The median rental cost in Surrey is £1,295 for all properties, this figure changes based on the number of rooms and the district/borough where the rental property is located.
  • Between April 2022 and March 2023 there were 3,367 households recognised as requiring either a prevention or relief duties.
  • In the first quarter of 2024, there were 888 repossession actions in Surrey, 21% more compared to the previous quarter (732). However, this represents a 69% decrease compared to the first quarter of 2023.

This page has been designed to offer an insightful overview of the housing landscape in Surrey, drawing on a range of datasets to highlight various aspects of housing. From tenure and types of accommodation to affordability, median property prices, and the dynamics of the private rental sector.

The interactive dashboard below allows users to explore data across different parameters through visualisations, maps, and charts. All the data included comes from the following sources:

ONS Census 2021 Tenure:

Tenure - Office for National Statistics (

ONS Census 2021 Accommodation:

Accommodation - Office for National Statistics (

Affordability ratio:

Housing affordability in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics (

Median property price:

Median house prices for administrative geographies: HPSSA dataset 9 - Office for National Statistics (

Median house prices by lower layer super output area: HPSSA dataset 46 - Office for National Statistics (

Private rental:

Private rental market summary statistics in England - Office for National Statistics (


Tables on homelessness - GOV.UK (


Mortgage and Landlord Possession statistics: October to December 2023 - GOV.UK (

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This file includes data from various sources. Datasets included are: Census tenure and accommodation, housing affordability, median house prices, private rental prices, homelessness, and repossession data.