JSNA Dashboards

JSNA Dashboards

Below is a list of the Tableau dashboards that can be found within the JSNA chapters. The list shows which chapters the dashboards relate to and they can also be accessed directly via the links below. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or comments.

Surrey Context

Eight Tableau dashboards:

JSNA_Surrey_population_published | Tableau Public

JSNA_Surrey_Place_published | Tableau Public

Priority populations of identity in Surrey | Tableau Public

JSNA_Long_term_conditions | Tableau Public

JSNA_Older People and People in Care Homes | Tableau Public

JSNA_Carers | Tableau Public

JSNA_Homelessness | Tableau Public

Domestic_abuse | Tableau Public


One Tableau Dashboard:

JSNA Screening | Tableau Public

Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Surrey Adults

One Tableau Dashboard:

JSNA_Mental_Health_Published | Tableau Public


One Tableau Dashboard:

Housing JSNA dashboard | Tableau Public

Substance Misuse

One Tableau Dashboard:

Substance Use Adults New | Tableau Public