Surrey Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Risk Profile
Surrey Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Risk Profile
Welcome to Surrey Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Risk Profile. Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is part of Surrey County Council.
The Community Risk Profile (CRP) is our assessment of the risks facing communities in Surrey based on our analysis of available data.
Fires, floods, road traffic collisions and other emergencies can have devastating consequences for individuals, businesses and communities. By understanding these risks, we can plan for how to use our resources to reduce the occurrence and impact of incidents across Surrey.
All sorts of things can affect risk, some are obvious, some less so, and in this CRP we’ve tried to capture all the things that we need to consider when we’re assessing risk. We have included data about the population, past incidents, the natural environment and buildings in Surrey. We have highlighted any trends and any information we have about future predictions, for example, about population.
As we go through, we’ll explain why we’ve included the information and what it tells us about the risk. The risk might be to residents, people passing through Surrey or to firefighters.
Much of the data we analyse changes over time. We will review this document annually and update it with newer data.
The CRP does not include information about how we manage the risk we’ve identified. Our Community Risk Management Plan, our strategies and our team, borough and station plans describe the prevention, protection and response activities we use to reduce both the demand from fires and other incidents and the impact of risk on our firefighters and communities.
The Community Risk Profile can be accessed below or from Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Profile – Surrey County Council (