This page references incidents of Anti Social Behaviour in Surrey notified to and recorded by Surrey Police, broken down by ward and month.

**Incidents of antisocial behaviour that were NOT reported to Surrey Police are not included.**

Month is based on the date an incident was reported to Surrey Police. This may be different from the date the incident occurred.

Data shown here is a snapshot of how incidents are categorised on the last day of the month.

Anti Social Behaviour categories are those defined by the Home Office National Standard for Incident Recording:

  • ASB01   Abandoned vehicle (not stolen or causing an obstruction)
  • ASB02   Animal problems
  • ASB05   Fireworks (inappropriate sale/use/possession)
  • ASB06   Malicious/nuisance communications
  • ASB07   Noise
  • ASB09   Littering/drugs paraphernalia
  • ASB10   Nuisance neighbours
  • ASB11   Rowdy & inconsiderate behaviour/nuisance
  • ASB12   Street drinking
  • ASB14   Trespass
  • ASB15   Vehicle nuisance/inappropriate use
  • ASB16   Rowdy & inconsiderate behaviour/personal

NOTE: The Home Office categorisations changed in April 2012 - "Total ASB" figures are therefore not comparable before and after this month.

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19 days ago  