This page includes the Surrey-specific data from the national 2021 Census release which has been prepared by the SCC Population Insight team. A summary of the highest level of qualification data for Surrey residents is also available on Surrey-i.

Residents aged 16 years and over (48.6 million) were asked to record any qualifications (including academic, vocational, and professional qualifications) they had achieved in England, Wales or worldwide. This is used to calculate the highest level of qualification (so, the highest level of qualification that an individual reported irrespective of previous qualifications listed) using the following categories:

  • no qualifications: no formal qualifications
  • Level 1: one to four GCSE passes (grade A* to C or grade 4 and above) and any other GCSEs at other grades, or equivalent qualifications
  • Level 2: five or more GCSE passes (grade A* to C or grade 4 and above) or equivalent qualifications
  • apprenticeships
  • Level 3: two or more A Levels or equivalent qualifications
  • Level 4 or above: Higher National Certificate, Higher National Diploma, Bachelor's degree, or post-graduate qualifications
  • other qualifications, of unknown level


Last Update
a year ago  
3 files
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2021 Census Highest level of qualification by age and economic activity .xlsx

(please keep in mind that the 2021 Census was collected during a time where employment/economic activity may have been negatively influenced by the pandemic)