This page includes the data around births and conceptions, including live births, home births, marital status at birth, weight at birth, teenage conceptions, and abortion.

Latest data included:

Live births: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs, Surrey Wards, Surrey LSOAs: 2017-2020

Live births by homebirth & marital status: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2017-2020

Birthweight: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2017-2020

Teenage pregnancy, births, and abortions (under-16s and under-18s): England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2008-2019.

Pregnancy and abortion ratio (all women): England, South East, Surrey: 2009-2019

This page includes a variety of statistics around conceptions and births. Although these statistics come from different sources, they have been brought together on this page so that you can easily find what you want to know about conceptions and births in Surrey.

Data about stillbirths and infant mortality is available here.

This page will soon include a summary of these statistics.


UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
10 months ago  
4 files
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Conceptions data - Surrey-i.xlsx

Easy-to-use Excel with most recent trends.

Under-18 figures: 1998-2019.

Under-16 figures: 2008-10 to 2017-19

Next release: February/March 2023.

Includes: conception rates (pregnancies), maternity rates (births), abortion rates, and the proportion of conceptions leading to abortion (abortion ratios).

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Birth characteristics - Surrey-i.xlsx

Easy-to-use Excel with most recent trends.

2013 to 2020.

Next release: January 2023.

Includes: birth rates, live births by place of birth (i.e. homebirths), live births by marital status, and live births by birthweight.

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Live births by small area - Wards and LSOAs - Surrey-i.xlsx

Easy-to-use Excel with most recent trends.

2013 to 2020.

Next release: 2023.

Includes the numbers of live births for each ward and LSOA in Surrey.

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Live births by age of mother - 2013 to 2020 - Surrey-i.xlsx

Easy-to-use Excel with most recent trends.

2013 to 2020.

Next release: 2023.

Includes the numbers and rates of live births by mother's age at birth: under 20, 20 to 24, 25 to 29, 30 to 34, 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 and over.