Figures at 31st of March

Figures exclude children looked after under an agreed series of short term placements. 

England and Regional totals have been rounded to the nearest 10. Local authority figures have been rounded to the nearest 5.

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Last Update
5 years ago  
3 files
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Looked after children 2018-19 - Surrey.xlsx

Extract from Department of Education publication showing figures for Surrey

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Looked after children 2017-2018 - Surrey.xlsx

Extract from Department of Education publication showing figures for Surrey

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Total number of looked after childrenApr 2008 — Mar 2017

Figures exclude children looked after under an agreed series of short term placements. 

Historical data may differ from older publications. This is mainly due to the implementation of amendments and corrections sent by some local authorities after the publication date of previous materials.

The rates per 10,000 children under 18 years have been derived using the mid-year population estimates for 2012 provided by the Office for National Statistics.