This lookup defines Primary Care Network (PCN) footprints at a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) level, enabling data published at a LSOA level to be aggregated to a PCN level. This method assigns a LSOA to a PCN based on which PCN has the most registered patients in each LSOA (aggregated up from GP level). This is a simplification of the real-world picture where multiple PCNs will have patients registered living in each LSOA.

Five lookups are included, for different purposes and audiences, with a slightly different methodology used in each, defined below.

LSOA to PCN: Contains all LSOAs in Surrey and a lookup to all PCNs in the country. If appropriate, a Surrey LSOA can be assigned to PCN outside of the Surrey health and care system.

LSOA to PCN (SH only): Contains all LSOAs in Surrey and the corresponding PCN within NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB. Where an LSOA has no patients registered to a Surrey Heartlands GP, the PCN Name will state “No SH patients” and the ICB Name will be blank.

LSOA to PCN (Patient list): Contains the total number of registered patients per PCN for a given LSOA. Includes all LSOAs in Surrey, and all PCNs in the country.

LSOA to PCN (Comparison): Compares the PCN assigned to each LSOA when using all PCNs in the country, to when just limiting to Surrey Heartlands PCNs

Non-Surrey residents (SH ICS): Shows the count of all patients registered at a Surrey heartlands ICS GP by LSOA of residence, regardless of the location of the LSOA. The Column ‘is LSOA Surrey’ indicates if the LSOA of residence is within Surrey.



A national reference file published by NHS Digital (linked below) is used to assign the number of patients from a given LSOA to a given GP. This data is aggregated up to get the total number of patients registered to a given PCN, who reside in a particular LSOA. The PCN that has the largest number of patients registered will be assigned to that LSOA in the lookup.



In the above example LSOA1 would be assigned PCN3 as the largest proportion of patients are registered to GPs associated with PCN3. LSOA2 would be assigned PCN1 as this PCN has the highest number of patients registered within the LSOA.

Data sources

All data used to produce the lookup is provided by NHS Digital.

Files downloaded from:

Patients registered at a GP Practice: LSOA (all persons-females-males)- Spreadsheet that lists the number of patients registered at a GP practice by the LSOA of residence.

Patients registered at a GP Practice: Mapping (Commissioning Regions – ICBs-SIBLs-PCNs-GP practice) – Lookup spreadsheet that lists every GP practice in the country and the associated PCN, Sub-ICB, ICB and commissioning region.

Frequency of update by Public Health Intelligence: Annual.

This look up is now updated annually. Updates prior to 2023 were updated quarterly.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 months ago