This page includes the Surrey-specific data from the national 2021 Census release which has been prepared by the SCC Population Insight team. A summary of the general health data from the 2021 Census will be available in due course.

As stated by the Office for National Statistics: 'Respondents were asked to assess their general health on a five-point scale: "Very good", "Good", "Fair", "Bad", or "Very bad".'

'Census 2021 was conducted during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This may have influenced how people perceive and rate their health and therefore may have affected how people chose to respond. '

Source: Health, disability, and unpaid care: Census 2021 in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics (

Last Update
2 years ago  
2 files
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2021 Census General health.xlsx

The data in this file is not age-standardised. So, although it includes percentages, keep in mind that differences in percentages across areas may be due to the underlying age structure rather than actual differences in the level of health.

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2021 Census General health, age-standardised proportions.xlsx

Health and age are closely related, with older people being more likely to be in poorer health. Age-standardised proportions (ASPs) account for different age structures in populations and are more appropriate than crude percentages when drawing comparisons over time and across areas.