This page includes a dashboard summary about the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities in Surrey. This includes the 2021 Census, the Traveller caravan count*, and School Census.

*The July 2020 count was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The below dashboard is also available on Tableau Public.


Please note that the way GRT communities are named and grouped differ between data sources.

2021 Census

  • At the time of the 2021 Census, there were 2,680 self-reported Gypsy or Irish Travellers and 1,675 self-reported Roma individuals in Surrey. The Census found a higher rate of Gypsy or Irish Travellers per 1,000 residents in Surrey at 2.2 compared to England (1.2). Conversely, Surrey had a lower rate of Roma residents than England at 1.4 per 1,000 people compared to 1.8 in England.
  • Runnymede had the highest rate of Gypsy or Irish Travellers at the time of the 2021 Census at 4.4 per 1,000 population, followed by Tandridge (3.9) and Guildford (3.3).
  • While just under half (45.3%) of the Roma population in Surrey reported level 4 or above qualifications, just a quarter (24.0%) of Gypsy or Irish Traveller residents had level 4 or above qualifications and 65.0 per cent had no qualifications.
  • The Gypsy or Irish Traveller population and the Roma population in Surrey both had the highest proportions of residents in skilled trade occupations (23.8% and 18.4% respectively) and elementary occupations (19.7% and 22.1% respectively).
  • A higher proportion of Roma individuals in Surrey were in the caring, leisure and other service occupations (18.4%) than the Gypsy or Irish Traveller individuals (6.6%). 

Pupil Characteristics (Annual School Census)

  • Gypsy/Roma pupils represent 0.5 per cent (838) pupils in state-funded Surrey schools in 2023/24, compared to Traveller of Irish heritage pupils who represent 0.2 per cent of all (316) pupils.
  • A higher proportion of pupils from the GRT community are known to be eligible for free school meals (64% of Gypsy/Roma pupils and 55% of Traveller of Irish heritage pupils) compared to White British pupils in Surrey schools (14%).
  • The actual number of Gypsy/Roma pupils who are eligible for FSMs has risen from 468 to 540 between 2019/20 and 2023/24, representing a growth of 52.2 per cent of pupils.

Traveller Caravan Count

  • As of January 2024, there were 1,435 known traveller caravans across Surrey. However, these figures do not include Guildford or Spelthorne due to a lack of reporting.
  • The total number of traveller caravans has increased over time in both Mole Valley and Waverley due to increasing numbers of private traveller caravans (authorised).
  • A higher percentage of traveller caravans are on socially rented/public sites in England (24.9%) than in Surrey (17.6%).
  • Caravans are predominantly on socially rented sites in Epsom and Ewell & Surrey Heath, whereas nearly half of caravans in Reigate and Banstead are on unauthorised sites.


2021 Census (Roma) - Roma populations, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

2021 Census (Gypsy or Irish Traveller) - Gypsy or Irish Traveller populations, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

Traveller caravan counts every January and July -

Annual School Census / Pupil Characteristics - Schools, pupils and their characteristics, Academic year – Explore education statistics – GOV.UK (

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