Surrey Index

Surrey Index

The Surrey Index provides a way of understanding social, environmental, economic and health outcomes in Surrey at a local level, and a way of comparing how different areas in Surrey are progressing against these.

The purpose of the index is to highlight areas of Surrey that perform well or poorly against various outcomes. This is useful as a user can quickly see which areas are doing well, or not so well, against a given theme. Examples of the kind of insights that can be provided can be found by clicking here. The index provides a holistic overview of universally important concepts whilst also allowing the user to look in more detail at specifics outcomes and identify common features of areas that are being left behind.

The Surrey Index is made up of two tools:

  1. A fixed index which brings together 46 indicators across a range of themes and groups them into a pre-defined framework of 11 components and 3 dimensions. The indicators included in each of the components and dimensions have been chosen to reflect a specific priority or concept.
  2. A flexible index which allows users to choose specific indicators that are of interest to them and build a bespoke index, outside of the pre-defined framework of the fixed tool.

Both tools are presented in an interactive dashboard and present users with several views and ways to drill down into the data, including the ability to choose between multiple levels of geography. The Surrey Fixed Index has been embedded below. The Surrey Flexible Index can be found by clicking on the image below. There is also a video explaining how to navigate around the dashboards at the bottom of this page.

Surrey Fixed Index

(click here to be directed to the interactive dashboard on the Tableau website; this may be useful if this page is reacting slowly)

An accessible version of the Surrey Fixed version is also available.

Surrey Flexible Index

An example screenshot of the Flexible Version of the Surrey Index which serves as a link to it.

How do I use the tool?

How do I find out more?

These dashboards are owned by the Population Insight team at Surrey County Council. For any questions about the tool please email [email protected]. The data was is primarily sourced from publicly available datasets.