This page includes the Surrey-specific data from the national 2021 Census release which has been prepared by the SCC Population Insight team. A summary of the unpaid care data from the 2021 Census has also been produced and is available on Surrey-i.

As stated by the Office for National Statistics: 'Census 2021 asked "Do you look after, or give any help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age?". People were asked to exclude anything they did as part of their paid employment. The wording of the question differs from the 2011 Census question, which began "Do you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others".'

'Census 2021 was undertaken during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which may also have influenced how people perceived and undertook their provision of unpaid care and therefore may have affected how people chose to respond.'

Source: Health, disability, and unpaid care: Census 2021 in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics (

Last Update
2 years ago  
2 files
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2021 Census Provision of unpaid care.xlsx

The data in this file is not age-standardised. So, although it includes percentages, keep in mind that differences in percentages across areas may be due to the underlying age structure rather than actual differences in the level of unpaid care.

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2021 Census Provision of unpaid care, age-standardised proportions.xlsx

Health and age are closely related, with older people being more likely to be in poorer health. Age-standardised proportions (ASPs) account for different age structures in populations and are more appropriate than crude percentages when drawing comparisons over time and across areas.