FormatCSV File
DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 4 days ago

This page includes a dashboard of Unemployment Claimant Count in Surrey. The below Tableau dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. The Claimant Count measures the number of people claiming benefit principally for the reason of being unemployed. Universal Credit was phased in across the country from May 2013 and introduced in Surrey in February 2016. This dataset includes all Universal Credit claimants who...

Surrey County Council
Updated 9 days ago

CSV file detailing all Contracts awarded over the value of £5000 by Surrey County Council. Specific data schema details can be found on the Local Government Association's (LGA) website here. This data is published as part of Surrey's obligations for transparency, as set out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

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Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

Recorded incidents of domestic violence in Surrey broken down by ward and month. The definition of "domestic violence" used here is the Home Office definition: "any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse [psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional] between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality". Month is based on the ENTERED DATE...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

Recorded notifiable offences in Surrey broken down by qualifier, ward and month. Qualifiers are flags applied to a crime record, e.g. "Alcohol related", "Public place". Flags are applied at officers' discretion and so their use may vary. A crime record may have more than one flag, therefore rows will not sum to the total number of crimes recorded. Month is based on the...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

Recorded notifiable offences in Surrey broken down by ward and month. Crime categories are those defined by the Home Office Counting Rules for Recorded Crime. Month is based on the ENTERED DATE (date the crime was recorded by Surrey Police). This may be different from the date the crime was committed. Data shown here is a snapshot of how crimes are classified on...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

This page references incidents of Anti Social Behaviour in Surrey notified to and recorded by Surrey Police, broken down by qualifier, ward and month. **Incidents of antisocial behaviour that were NOT reported to Surrey Police are not included.** Qualifiers are flags applied to an incident record, e.g. "Alcohol related", "Public place". Flags are applied at officers' discretion and so their use may...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

This page references incidents of Anti Social Behaviour in Surrey notified to and recorded by Surrey Police, broken down by ward and month. **Incidents of antisocial behaviour that were NOT reported to Surrey Police are not included.** Month is based on the date an incident was reported to Surrey Police. This may be different from the date the incident occurred. Data shown...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

Recorded incidents of domestic violence in Surrey broken down by ward and month. The definition of "domestic violence" used here is the Home Office definition: "any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse [psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional] between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality". Month...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

Recorded notifiable offences in Surrey broken down by qualifier, Safer Neighbourhood and month. Qualifiers are flags applied to a crime record, e.g. "Alcohol related", "Public place". Flags are applied at officers' discretion and so their use may vary. A crime record may have more than one flag, therefore rows will not sum to the total number of crimes recorded. ...

Surrey Police
Updated 18 days ago

Recorded notifiable offences in Surrey broken down by Safer Neighbourhood and month. Month is based on the ENTERED DATE (date the crime was recorded by Surrey Police). This may be different from the date the crime was committed. Crime categories are those defined by the Home Office Counting Rules for Recorded Crime. Data shown here is a...