Information on the numbers of children referred to and assessed by children's social services for the year ending March.

Source: Children in Need census

Figures have been calculated by the Department for Education ('DfE') based upon all information provided in the CIN return.

A child in need is one who has been referred to children's social care services, and who has been assessed, usually through an initial assessment, to be in need of social care services. A child can have more than one episode of need throughout the year but episodes should not overlap. If a child has more than one episode, then each is counted in the figures.

Frequency: Financial Year

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
5 years ago  
8 files
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Children in need by disabilityApr 2012 — Mar 2017

A child may have none, or more than one disability and so the total number of disabilities will differ from the number of children.

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Children in need by primary need at initial assessmentApr 2012 — Mar 2017

Primary need indicates the main reason why a child started to receive services.

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Children in need by duration of open caseApr 2012 — Mar 2017

Duration calculated using the difference between 31 March and the referral date.

Open cases describes the status of all children whose cases are still open at 31 March (i.e. child is still in need at 31 March).

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No. ceasing to be in need by duration of episode of needApr 2012 — Mar 2017

Duration of episode of need calculated using the difference between the referral date and the CIN closure date.

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No. ceasing to be in need by reason for case closureApr 2012 — Mar 2017

Missing/unknown includes data from case closed after assessment and unreliability in coding.