Surrey County Council
Updated 12 days ago

Claim files for download for Public Health Agreements 2024-25 Q1.

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Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes a dashboard of Greenhouse gas emission estimates in Surrey. The greenhouse gases included in this release are: Carbon Dioxide (CO₂): Is colourless, odourless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 per cent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. Methane (CH₄): A colourless, odourless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gas. It...

Surrey County Council
Updated a year ago

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for the population of Surrey. These Pharmacy Consolidation (merger) supplementary statements relate to mergers that were considered by the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board in October and December 2022. NHS England considered and granted these applications in March 2023. Related Link: This supplementary statement updates the Surrey Pharmaceutical Needs...

Department for Education
Updated 2 years ago

This page includes data and a summary of pupil and school numbers by the characteristics of pupils and types of schools. STATE-FUNDED PRIMARY SCHOOLS: includes middle schools as deemed, primary academies, including free schools. STATE-FUNDED SECONDARY SCHOOLS: includes middle schools as deemed, city technology colleges and secondary academies, including free schools, university technical colleges and studio schools. SPECIAL SCHOOLS: Excludes general hospital schools. Includes special academies...

NHS Digital
Updated 2 years ago

This page includes data and a summary of child weight statistics. Data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs, Surrey Wards. Latest data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2020/21* Surrey Wards: 2010/11-2013/13 to 2015/16-2017/18* *Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Child Measurement Programme undertook samples for 2019/20 and 2020/21 and so these statistics cannot be broken down by...

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
Updated 2 years ago

This page includes data and a summary of smoking prevalence. Areas included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey Local Authorities. Latest data included: 2020* (next data release: expected Winter 2022). *Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 survey could not undertake the usual sampling procedure and so collected fewer survey responses and used telephone interviews. The data producers therefore DO NOT recommend using the...

Surrey County Council
Added 2 years ago

Children's Community Health Services Needs Assessment - Final January 2022 Initially setting out the strategic landscape and then considering the transformation view, the Children’s Community Health Services (CCHS) Needs Assessment considers the local picture, including extensive feedback from engagement and ‘round table’ events, coupled with Surrey population data. The Needs Assessment has been broken down into four main thematic areas: Early...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 years ago

This page includes explorable data and a summary of the ONS population projections from 2018 to 2043. Data included: 2018 to 2043 (population & household levels). Surrey, LAs. Surrey-I also includes summaries and data about population estimates, population density, and estimates for migration. Summary  There were 1,196,236 residents of Surrey in 2020 and this is predicted to increase by 2.6 per cent to...

Surrey County Council
Updated 3 years ago

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Surrey County Council
Updated 5 years ago

These documents provide additional context at Local Authority level to the Community Wellbeing Local Area Profile

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