Content TypeBlog Posts
Posted 10 months ago

The permanent URL for the Index has been changed: Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index | Surrey-i ( Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Posted 3 years ago

Sharing data to improve support for domestic abuse survivors in Surrey. Statistics on domestic abuse are produced separately by a number of different organisations in England and Wales. When taken in isolation, these statistics may not provide the context required to understand the national and local picture of domestic abuse. Office for National Statistics, 2020 Introduction The Surrey Office of Data Analytics (SODA) has...

Posted 2 years ago

According to recent research, 11 million people (21%) in the UK are digitally disadvantaged, with an estimated 10 million people not able to access the Internet themselves and lacking basic digital skills needed for day-to-day life. An estimated 5.8 million people have never used the internet at all. Why does this matter? Being digitally excluded limits participation in many aspects of life,...

Posted 2 years ago

Dashboard about the Homes for Ukraine Scheme in Surrey which launched in March 2022.

Posted 6 years ago

Explore Resident’s survey results from the last 3 years The Surrey Residents’ Survey is a telephone interview survey conducted throughout the year with randomly selected Surrey residents. It began in April 2008. In each 3 month period, 1,650 people are interviewed for the survey, 150 from each of the Surrey districts and boroughs. This means that each year, 6,600 people are...

Posted 5 years ago

Explore the 2019 Indices of Deprivation for areas in Surrey (Tableau web address)

Posted 6 years ago

Infographic representation of the key risk factors for sudden unexpected deaths in infancy.

Posted 4 years ago

Use these dashboard visualisations to explore datasets on pneumococcal vaccine (‘PPV’) and shingles vaccine.

Posted 3 years ago

The Surrey Index provides information on all 11 boroughs and districts in Surrey, 187 wards, 30 Local Community Networks, and 26 Primary Care Networks, and includes the most recent data available. We capture data on 46 indicators relating to Foundations of Wellbeing, Basic Needs, Opportunity and Inclusion, and Prosperity and Growth. The indicators are then aggregated into an index, providing...

Posted 8 years ago

Explore the 2015 Index of Multiple Deprivation for STP footprints MD for STP footprints Open Tableau