TopicChildren & Young People
Multiple Governmental Sources
Updated a month ago

This page includes a dashboard which summarises various statistics such as children in low income families, households on Universal Credit with children, and Free School Meal eligibility in Surrey. This dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 9 months ago

This page includes the data around births and conceptions, including live births, home births, marital status at birth, weight at birth, teenage conceptions, and abortion. Latest data included: Live births: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs, Surrey Wards, Surrey LSOAs: 2017-2020 Live births by homebirth & marital status: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2017-2020 Birthweight: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2017-2020 Teenage pregnancy,...

Surrey County Council
Updated a year ago

This page includes the Surrey Early Help and Family Resilience Needs Assessment. A Needs Assessment helps us understand what the needs are across an area of work. In Surrey, in conjunction with partners, we have undertaken one for Early Help. This document provides us with an area-by-area breakdown of information and data across Surrey to help us explore the needs of children, young...

Surrey County Council
Updated 2 years ago

CSV file detailing all schools in Surrey, with reference information on location, address, type, status and age ranges served. Data has been taken from a Government web page "Get Information about Schools" and filtered for establishments within Surrey. This Government data page is managed for accuracy and timeliness. Update frequency: Annually Geographical coverage: all of Surrey county (spatial coordinates included) Data lineage: Get Information about Schools

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Office for National Statistics
Updated 2 years ago

This page includes data on the numbers and rates of stillbirths, perinatal deaths, neonatal deaths, postneonatal deaths, and infant deaths. Data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs Latest data included: 2020 Data about live births and conception statistics is available here. Source:

Surrey County Council
Updated 2 years ago

A Summary Needs Assessment for Children and Young Peoples Mental Health in Surrey which was created by the Public Health team.

NHS Digital
Updated 2 years ago

This page includes data and a summary of child weight statistics. Data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs, Surrey Wards. Latest data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs: 2020/21* Surrey Wards: 2010/11-2013/13 to 2015/16-2017/18* *Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Child Measurement Programme undertook samples for 2019/20 and 2020/21 and so these statistics cannot be broken down by...

Surrey County Council
Added 2 years ago

Children's Community Health Services Needs Assessment - Final January 2022 Initially setting out the strategic landscape and then considering the transformation view, the Children’s Community Health Services (CCHS) Needs Assessment considers the local picture, including extensive feedback from engagement and ‘round table’ events, coupled with Surrey population data. The Needs Assessment has been broken down into four main thematic areas: Early...

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
Updated 3 years ago

Data included: Wards, LAs, Surrey, South East, England. Latest data included: 2016-2020. Child Benefit (CB) is a payment that you can claim for your child. It is usually paid every 4 weeks but in some cases can be paid weekly. The payment can be claimed by anyone who qualifies. These tables include: 2016 - 2020 Number of families and children in receipt...

Department for Education
Updated 5 years ago

Figures at 31st of March Figures exclude children looked after under an agreed series of short term placements.  England and Regional totals have been rounded to the nearest 10. Local authority figures have been rounded to the nearest 5.