Multiple Governmental Sources
Updated a month ago

This page includes a dashboard summary about the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities in Surrey. This includes the 2021 Census, the Traveller caravan count*, and School Census. *The July 2020 count was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The below dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. Highlights: Please note that the way GRT communities are named and grouped differ between data...

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes a dashboard of fuel poverty and consumption in Surrey as well as other associated datasets which may be relevant to fuel poverty. Fuel poverty affects households that need to spend a high proportion of their income to maintain a reasonable temperature. This is affected by 3 key factors: Household income. Fuel costs. Energy consumption (impacted...

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Updated 4 months ago

These dataset covers social letting figures for the period 2011-2023. These tables present data at the Local Authority area level, and are derived from record level data recorded through the Continous Recording of social housing. They cover data collected from Private Registered Providers (PRPs) and Local Authorities (LAs). They cover both Social Rent and Affordable Rent lettings, and General Needs as...

(Superseded) Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
Updated 4 months ago

The latest available figures cover the period 2006 - 2022 Figures in this table are unaudited by local authorities. Data before 2003/04 are more prone to errors as they were validated less rigorously. Sources  Until 2010-11 Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) return or the Housing Investment Programme (HIP) Returns. From 2011- onwards Local Authority Housing Statistics open data - GOV.UK (

(Superseded) Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
Updated 4 months ago

The last available data covers the period 2004 - 2023. Affordable housing includes social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. It can be a new-build property or a private sector property that has been purchased for use as an affordable home. MHCLG publish annual statistics on affordable housing supply...

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Updated 4 months ago

The latest figures include dwellings started and completed for the period 2008 - 2023 • Regional and national figures are published DCLG housebuilding statistics • The district level and county figures are as reported by local authorities and the NHBC. Where a local authority has not submitted a quarterly return to DCLG, no figure has been presented for this local authority (and...

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Updated 4 months ago

This dataset brings together figures on vacant dwellings in England at local authority district level drawn from several separately published sources. Users of the data are advised to read the information below about those sources before proceeding. The latest data available for this release is from 2023 and it was last updated in February 2024. Please refer to the statistical release...

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Updated 4 months ago

Sources: Local Authority and other public sector stock were reported by local authorities in the Local Authority Housing Statistics return as at 31 March (latest 2022) and include non-permanent dwellings. Due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, there was a lower response rate for the LAHS return for 2020 compared to previous years. As such, the reductions seen in...

Office for National Statistics
Added 5 months ago

This page includes a dashboard of Housing statistics in Surrey. The below Tableau dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. Highlights: According to Census 2021 figures, around 70% of households in Surrey are owned and 17% privately rented. Approximately 32% of all accommodations in Surrey are detached houses, followed by semi-detached at 29%, and flats at 19%. The housing affordability...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 2 years ago

This page includes the Surrey-specific data from the national 2021 Census release which has been prepared by the SCC Population Insight team. A summary of the housing data for Surrey residents has also been produced and is available on Surrey-i. This page includes data about accommodation type (e.g. detached, semi-detached, terrace, flat), tenure (private rented, social rented, owned outright or shared...