This page includes data and a summary of life expectancy statistics.

Data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs.

Latest data included:

  • Life Expectancy (including inequalities) 2018 to 2020 (next release: early 2023)
  • Health State Life Expectancy 2017 to 2019 (next release: Spring 2022)


Surrey residents have longer life expectancies than the South East as a whole. This means that because the South East has longer life expectancies than England, Surrey residents have longer life expectancies than most of the country.  

The life expectancy at birth in Surrey for those born in 2018 to 2020 was 81.7 for men and 85.0 for women (compared to 80.6 and 84.1 for the South East and 79.4 and 83.1 for England). There has been a widespread trend of rising life expectancy at birth for men and women across the country and this is also the case for Surrey. Surrey children born in 2018 to 2020 are expected to live over two years longer (2.6 years for females and 2.5 years for males) than Surrey children born in 2001 to 2003.  

Life expectancy at birth – a rolling three-year average, by sex 

Residents in all local authorities in Surrey have longer life expectancies at birth for those born in 2018 to 2020 than the average for England. Spelthorne is the only local authority in Surrey with lower life expectancies at birth than the South East average at 80.4 years for boys and 83.9 years for girls (although these are only 0.2 years below the South East average).

Boys born in Elmbridge have the highest life expectancy at birth in Surrey for males at 82.7 years. Girls born in Mole Valley have the highest life expectancy at birth in Surrey for females at 85.8 years.  

Life expectancy at birth in Surrey’s local authorities, by sex


While life expectancy at birth includes the risk of death during childhood and young ages, life expectancy at age 65 focuses on the expected number of additional years someone is predicted to live when they reach their 65th birthday and captures mortality risks at older ages. Surrey residents are also expected to live a higher number of additional years once they reach 65 than the South East and England averages. Women in Surrey are expected to live 22.6 additional years after 65 and men are expected to live an additional 20.3 years in 2017 to 2019.  

Life expectancy can also be broken down into healthy life expectancy (in good health) and disability-free life expectancy. While Surrey women who were born in 2017 to 2019 are expected to live until 85.3, only 69.4 of these years are expected to be in ‘good’ health and just 66.6 while being disability-free. Surrey men born in 2017 to 2019 are expected to live until 82.1 but are expected to have 67.2 years of ‘good’ health and 67 years without disability. 

Surrey men aged 65 in 2017 to 2019 are expected to live an additional 20.3 years, with 12.7 of these in good health and 12 disability-free. Women aged 65 in 2017 to 2019 are expected to live slightly more additional years (2.3 more years than men) as they are expected to live 22.6 years after 65. However, while women in Surrey are expected to live longer after 65 in good health (14.1 years compared to 12.7 for men), they have a similar number of expected additional years (around 12) which are disability-free to their male counterparts. Women are therefore expected to live more years which are not disability-free than men. 

Health state life expectancy in Surrey, 2017 to 2019

Inequality in life expectancy represents the difference in years in life expectancy across deprivation deciles. Surrey men have greater inequality in life expectancy than Surrey women at birth and at 65. However, while the inequality in life expectancy at birth has remained relatively stable for men, it has recently been increasing for women. This means that the life expectancy of women who are less disadvantaged is becoming more distinctive to those who are more disadvantaged. 

Inequality in life expectancy in Surrey, by sex

Reference links:

ONS: Life expectancy estimates, all ages, UK - Office for National Statistics (

Easier-to-use version: Public health profiles - OHID (

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 years ago  
6 files
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Health state life expectancies - Surrey-i.xlsx (42.92 kB)


Next release: Spring 2022.

Life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, disability-free life expectancy

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Inequality in life expectancy - Surrey-i.xlsx (61.39 kB)

2010-12 to 2018-20

Next release: early 2023.

This represents the range in years of life expectancy across the social gradient from most to least deprived, based on a statistical analysis of the relationship between life expectancy and deprivation across all deprivation deciles.