Type of informationData summary
DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 4 days ago

This page includes a dashboard of Unemployment Claimant Count in Surrey. The below Tableau dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. The Claimant Count measures the number of people claiming benefit principally for the reason of being unemployed. Universal Credit was phased in across the country from May 2013 and introduced in Surrey in February 2016. This dataset includes all Universal Credit claimants who...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 13 days ago

Life Expectancy Data included: England, South East, Surrey, Surrey LAs. Latest data included: Life Expectancy (including inequalities) 2020 to 2022 (next release: early 2025) Health State Life Expectancy 2020 to 2022 (next release: Spring 2025) Summary Surrey residents have longer life expectancy than the South East as a whole. This means that because the South East has longer life expectancy than England, Surrey residents have longer...

Multiple Governmental Sources
Updated a month ago

This page includes a dashboard which summarises various statistics such as children in low income families, households on Universal Credit with children, and Free School Meal eligibility in Surrey. This dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and...

Multiple Governmental Sources
Updated a month ago

This page includes a dashboard summary about the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities in Surrey. This includes the 2021 Census, the Traveller caravan count*, and School Census. *The July 2020 count was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The below dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. Highlights: Please note that the way GRT communities are named and grouped differ between data...

DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 2 months ago

This page includes a dashboard summary of low income and unemployment data such as Universal Credit claimant count across Surrey geographies and the downloadable data. The dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey-level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and Borough, Ward, or LSOA) for...

DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 2 months ago

This page includes a dashboard summary of pensioners in poverty (on Pension Credit) across Surrey geographies and the downloadable data. The dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey-level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and Borough, Ward, or LSOA) for a more focused summary. Pension Credit...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes explorable data and summaries of the numbers of enterprises and local business units over time, alongside business survival statistics and a comparison of average ages for those working in Surrey and residents of Surrey. Highlights: As of March 2023, there were 69,940 local units in Surrey. A local unit can be thought of as a workplace, in...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes explorable data and a summary of measures around employed Surrey residents such as employment rates, occupations, pay, and job density. Surrey-i also includes other relevant summaries and data. These summaries can be found at low income and unemployment, child poverty and disadvantage, local businesses and enterprises in Surrey. Highlights: It is estimated that 83 per cent of Surrey...

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes a dashboard of Greenhouse gas emission estimates in Surrey. The greenhouse gases included in this release are: Carbon Dioxide (CO₂): Is colourless, odourless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 per cent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. Methane (CH₄): A colourless, odourless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gas. It...

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes a dashboard of fuel poverty and consumption in Surrey as well as other associated datasets which may be relevant to fuel poverty. Fuel poverty affects households that need to spend a high proportion of their income to maintain a reasonable temperature. This is affected by 3 key factors: Household income. Fuel costs. Energy consumption (impacted...