Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has produced the 2022 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The PNA provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for the population of Surrey. This document replaces the 2018 PNA. The lifetime of this PNA will be 3 years from the 1st October 2022 until the 30th September 2025. The following supplementary statements update the information...
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for the population of Surrey. These Pharmacy Consolidation (merger) supplementary statements relate to mergers that were considered by the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board in October and December 2022. NHS England considered and granted these applications in March 2023. Related Link: This supplementary statement updates the Surrey Pharmaceutical Needs...
Between the 22nd April and the 13th June 2023, nine pharmacies closed within the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) area (in both Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Board areas). The Surrey HWB published a supplementary statement regarding these closures in June 2023. This statement has currently been withdrawn while the Surrey HWB is undergoing a review of the findings. Please...
This page includes the Surrey Early Help and Family Resilience Needs Assessment. A Needs Assessment helps us understand what the needs are across an area of work. In Surrey, in conjunction with partners, we have undertaken one for Early Help. This document provides us with an area-by-area breakdown of information and data across Surrey to help us explore the needs of children, young...
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for the population of Surrey. This Pharmacy Consolidation (merger) supplementary statement relates to a merger that was considered by the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board in January 2022. NHS England considered and granted this application on 25th April 2022. Related Links: Pharmacy Consolidations (mergers): Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment supplementary statement...
As part of research into the impact of Covid-19 on Surrey residents Rapid Needs Assessments were carried out for groups with particular characteristics.
There are five prisons situated within Surrey: HMP & YOI Bronzefield: a privately run female prison in Ashford. HMP Coldingley: a prison for adult men in Woking. HMP & YOI Downview: a prison and young offender institution (YOI) in Sutton, for women aged 18 and over. HMP High Down: a men’s prison and young offender institution (YOI)...
Children's Community Health Services Needs Assessment - Final January 2022 Initially setting out the strategic landscape and then considering the transformation view, the Children’s Community Health Services (CCHS) Needs Assessment considers the local picture, including extensive feedback from engagement and ‘round table’ events, coupled with Surrey population data. The Needs Assessment has been broken down into four main thematic areas: Early...