Employment & Economy

Employment and Economy

A quick guide to content

Cost of Living:


Disadvantage and Unemployment:

Updated 23rd Jul 2024

This page includes a dashboard of Unemployment Claimant Count in Surrey. The below Tableau dashboard is also available…

The 21 Health and Well-Being Key Neighbourhoods in Surrey Surrey's Health and Well-being Strategy was refreshed in 2022 to include a particular focus on certain…

Household Deprivation Estimates from the 2021 Census Headlines Just under half of Surrey households (42.9%) were classified as deprived in some way. While Surrey had lower proportions…

Updated 5th Jun 2024

This page includes a dashboard summary of low income and unemployment data such as Universal Credit claimant count…

Updated 21st Jun 2024

This page includes a dashboard which summarises various statistics such as children in low income families, households on…

Updated 5th Jun 2024

This page includes a dashboard summary of pensioners in poverty (on Pension Credit) across Surrey geographies and the…

Highest level of qualification from the 2021 Census The raw data from this Census release has been processed by the Population Insight Team and is also available on&…

Schoolchildren and full-time students from the 2021 Census The raw data from this Census release has been processed by the Population Insight Team and is also available…

Digital exclusion in Surrey SODA project

Indexes and other tools:

Dashboard about the 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) across Surrey

Related JSNA sections:

Economy chapter in development
Education, Training and Lifelong Learning chapter in development