Surrey Housing, Homes & Accommodation Summit The following data sets provide, for the first time in one place, a broad contextual analysis of the commonalities, and shared challenges and opportunities that confront decision-makers and service providers in respect of housing, accommodation and homes across Surrey. During summer 2022, data was gathered from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), from the Department of...

Gender identity from the 2021 Census The raw data from this Census release has been processed by the Population Insight Team and is also available on Surrey-i. The Office for National Statistics produced interactive maps for the 2021 Census results. The ONS interactive map of the gender identity statistics have also been embedded at the bottom of this page. Questions about gender identity...

People with Learning Disabilities This is the overview page for the People with Learning Disabilities JSNA chapter. For the full version of this chapter, please navigate to People with learning disabilities | Surrey-i ( This chapter was published in April 2023 and is due to be reviewed by April 2025. Executive Summary The national policy direction for people with a learning disability (including those...

Sexual orientation from the 2021 Census The raw data from this Census release has been processed by the Population Insight Team and is also available on Surrey-i. The Office for National Statistics produced interactive maps for the 2021 Census results. The ONS interactive map of the sexual orientation statistics have been embedded at the bottom of this page. Sexual orientation was included in...

What is Surrey-i? Surrey-i is a one-stop source of data, information, specialist reports, summary analysis and headline statistics, covering Surrey’s demographics (details about our population), our economy and public services. Surrey-i is a dedicated website to sharing data about Surrey and relevant other documents so, for other enquiries about Surrey County Council, please use the contact details found at Why has Surrey-i...

These profiles allow you to see a selection of statistics from the 2011 Census for an area of your choice, and see how it compares with Surrey. Areas you can choose include: Local Authority, Clinical Commissioning Group, Ward, Electoral division or Lower super output area. UPDATED to include data re-aggregated to 2019 wards. The following profiles are available: Census: Key Statistics: Demographics, age, gender,...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes explorable data and summaries of the numbers of enterprises and local business units over time, alongside business survival statistics and a comparison of average ages for those working in Surrey and residents of Surrey. Highlights: As of March 2023, there were 69,940 local units in Surrey. A local unit can be thought of as a workplace, in...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 months ago

This page includes explorable data and a summary of measures around employed Surrey residents such as employment rates, occupations, pay, and job density. Surrey-i also includes other relevant summaries and data. These summaries can be found at low income and unemployment, child poverty and disadvantage, local businesses and enterprises in Surrey. Highlights: It is estimated that 83 per cent of Surrey...

Surrey Index The Surrey Index provides a way of understanding social, environmental, economic and health outcomes in Surrey at a local level, and a way of comparing how different areas in Surrey are progressing against these. The purpose of the index is to highlight areas of Surrey that perform well or poorly against various outcomes. This is useful as a user can...

Religion from the 2021 Census Headlines The Christian population remained the largest religious group in Surrey in the 2021 Census. However, the proportion of Surrey residents who were Christian decreased from 62.8 per cent in 2011 to 50.2 per cent in 2021. The reduction in Christian residents was largely driven by the population reporting ‘no religion’ rising from 24.8 per cent in 2011...