2021 Census The 2021 Census results have started to be released by the Office of National Statistics, with more to follow. The Office for National Statistics will publish a series of data releases starting from late 2023, as well as supporting commentary grouped by a similar theme, known as topic summaries. More information about the 2021 Census is available here. For each...

DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 2 months ago

This page includes a dashboard summary of low income and unemployment data such as Universal Credit claimant count across Surrey geographies and the downloadable data. The dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey-level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and Borough, Ward, or LSOA) for...

DWP Information and Analysis Directorate
Updated 2 months ago

This page includes a dashboard summary of pensioners in poverty (on Pension Credit) across Surrey geographies and the downloadable data. The dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey-level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and Borough, Ward, or LSOA) for a more focused summary. Pension Credit...

The Cost of Living Crisis in Surrey The UK is facing its biggest cost of living crisis in decades. Surrey County Council and our partners across the county have seen more people coming to us for help with crisis support, energy problems and not having enough money to make ends meet than ever before. In this report we summarise insights on how...

Posted 3 years ago

Sharing data to improve support for domestic abuse survivors in Surrey. Statistics on domestic abuse are produced separately by a number of different organisations in England and Wales. When taken in isolation, these statistics may not provide the context required to understand the national and local picture of domestic abuse. Office for National Statistics, 2020 Introduction The Surrey Office of Data Analytics (SODA) has...

A Guide to the Geographies of Surrey Datasets are not available at all Surrey geographical/area boundaries. When using data, it is important to understand the area which is covered by the data. We have produced this interactive resource to help you to easily visualise what areas each geographical boundary covers. A link to the resource which is embedded below is also available. We...

Screening Publication date This chapter was published in June 2023 and is due to be reviewed by June 2025. Contents Glossary Executive summary Introduction Cancer screening Non-cancer screening Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme Diabetic eye screening programme (DESP) Antenatal and newborn (ANNB) screening programme National and local strategies (best practice) Recommendations Related JSNA chapters References Name and contact details of authors Acknowledgements Glossary AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm AIS Accessible Information Standard ANNB Antenatal and newborn BCSP Bowel cancer screening programme BSP Breast screening programme CCG Clinical Commissioning Group CF Cystic fibrosis CHIS Child...

Surrey County Council
Updated 2 months ago

LSOA-PCN Lookup This lookup defines Primary Care Network (PCN) footprints at a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) level, enabling data published at a LSOA level to be aggregated to a PCN level. This method assigns a LSOA to a PCN based on which PCN has the most registered patients in each LSOA (aggregated up from GP level). This is a simplification...

JSNA Housing and Related Support Publication date This chapter was published in January 2024 and is due to be reviewed by January 2026 Contents Introduction Key Facts on Housing in Surrey Homelessness Local Insights Needs of Specific Groups Issues that may impact on housing services in Surrey Services in Relation to Need Key Findings and Recommendations Appendices Data sources Contacts and Acknowledgements References Introduction Housing plays a fundamental part in people’s wellbeing, their employment, health, and relationships. The...

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Risk Profile Welcome to Surrey Fire and Rescue Service’s Community Risk Profile. Surrey Fire and Rescue Service is part of Surrey County Council. The Community Risk Profile (CRP) is our assessment of the risks facing communities in Surrey based on our analysis of available data. Fires, floods, road traffic collisions and other emergencies can have devastating...