Surrey Police
Updated 19 days ago

This page references incidents of Anti Social Behaviour in Surrey notified to and recorded by Surrey Police, broken down by qualifier, Safer Neighbourhood and month. **Incidents of antisocial behaviour that were NOT reported to Surrey Police are not included.** Month is based on the date an incident was reported to Surrey Police. This may be different from the date the incident...

Surrey Police
Updated 19 days ago

This page references incidents of Anti Social Behaviour in Surrey notified to and recorded by Surrey Police, broken down by Safer Neighbourhood and month. **Incidents of antisocial behaviour that were NOT reported to Surrey Police are not included.** Month is based on the date an incident was reported to Surrey Police. This may be different from the date the incident occurred. Data...

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index Last updated June 2024 Partners in Surrey are measuring the long-term impact of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy on reducing health inequalities in Surrey using the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index. The purpose of the index is to measure progress against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s priorities and outcomes, particularly for our Priority Populations (including the Key...

Posted 10 months ago

The permanent URL for the Index has been changed: Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index | Surrey-i ( Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Surrey Adults Publication date This chapter was published in March 2023 and is due to be reviewed by March 2025. Contents Executive Summary Background JSNA Process Aims Governance Strategic Drivers and Evidence Base Interpreting Data Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in Surrey Common Mental Health Problems Incidence Adult Mental Health Problems Index of Multiple Deprivation – Mood and Anxiety Indicators Self-reported Wellbeing QOF: Depression Long Term Mental Illness QOF: Severe Mental Illness (SMI) Suicide and...

Surrey County Council
Updated a month ago

A log of gifts and hospitality registered by Surrey County Council officers. For any queries, please contact: Surrey County Council Governance and Contracts Team through [email protected]

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Multiple Governmental Sources
Updated a month ago

This page includes a dashboard which summarises various statistics such as children in low income families, households on Universal Credit with children, and Free School Meal eligibility in Surrey. This dashboard was created by the Population Insight Team at Surrey County Council to provide a Surrey level summary and the ability for you to select your desired area (District and...

Multiple Governmental Sources
Updated a month ago

This page includes a dashboard summary about the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities in Surrey. This includes the 2021 Census, the Traveller caravan count*, and School Census. *The July 2020 count was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. The below dashboard is also available on Tableau Public. Highlights: Please note that the way GRT communities are named and grouped differ between data...

Oral and Dental Health Publication date This chapter was published in October 2022 and is due to be reviewed by October 2024. Executive summary This Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) outlines what we know about the oral health of residents in Surrey, their health outcomes and their access to dental services before and after the Covid pandemic. Oral and dental diseases are widely prevalent, and...

JSNA Dashboards Below is a list of the Tableau dashboards that can be found within the JSNA chapters. The list shows which chapters the dashboards relate to and they can also be accessed directly via the links below. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or comments. Surrey Context Eight Tableau dashboards: JSNA_Surrey_population_published | Tableau Public JSNA_Surrey_Place_published | Tableau Public Priority populations of identity in Surrey |...